“Vishwas Nursery and Primary School”,started on June 2008, is run by M.M.P. Palanichamy Thiagarajan Memorial Trust. The trust was formed on 2008 with a good and noble cause.We have classes from Pre-K.G to V Grade.
It was formed with a view to serve the society through all the means it could. In the course of its path, the school was opened on June 2008 to offer an effective and productive system of education to the society.
The brief concise of this trust is that it was formed by a well reputed and renowned family in Aruppukottai who runs the famous “MMP Transport” since 1922. It comprises of Mahalingam, Rajavel, Dilip, Sri Ram and Rathina transports route buses plying to Madurai, Virudhunagar, Tuticorin and Ramnad districts. We have a HPCL Petroleum outlet at Mudukulathur which was started in 1983. So serving the public had always been our aim since our inception. The name “VISHWAS” is a derived form of our trust, sincerity and dedication in all spheres of life. The trust has been rendering its service to the public in many ways like conducting Free Health campaigns, distribution of free books and note books, medicines, food, dress materials, prizes and donating funds to good causes and so on.
To add a feather to the cap, VISHWAS ACADEMY is another wing started by this trust to complement with the academics. We offer classes on Bharatanatyan, Singing,Yoga, Karate, Swimming, Shuttle Badminton, Table tennis, Teddy’s Camp, Drawing and Colouring, Art & Craft, Jewel Making and much more for the benefit of the students.This wing also runs summer courses in the month of April and May.
And with the blessings of the almighty, “SRI VISHWAS VIDHYALAYA” was started in 2013 which is affiliated to CISCE,New Delhi. Our Affiliation Code is TN096. We have classes from Pre-K.G to XII Grade. We are the first ISC School in Aruppukottai Educational district.