1. Name of the Pupil

2. Date of Birth

3. Nationality and State to which the Pupil belongs

4. Religion and Community
(this information is intended only for statistical purpose)

5. Does the candidate belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or other socially and educationally backward classes specified in the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules or is he a convert from the concept from the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe? If so, please specify

6. Whether living with parent or guardian and local residence if not living with parent or guardian

7. a. Name of the Parent

b. Occupation

c. Full Address

8. a. Name of the Guardian

b. Occupation

c. Full Address

9. EMIS Number
10. Aadhar Number

11. Identification marks of the student

12. Class last studied, name of the school last attended and whether qualified for promotion
13. Previous school marks sheet if available.

14. Whether Record sheet / Transfer Certificate or Elementary School Leaving Certificate and (or) Record Sheet is attached

Attach Record here

15. Class into which admission is sought
16. Mother tongue of the Pupil
17. Language proposed to be taken under Second Language.
18. Protection from small pox whether vaccinated or small pox marked
19. Previous school history of the pupil
20. Email Address of Applicant

I declare that the statement above is correct and that the pupil has not attended any other school besides those mentioned above.

I have read the prospectus of Vishwas Nursery & Primary School, Aruppukottai and request that my son/daughter/ward be brought up in accordance with the principles enunciated therein. I undertake to make payment of fees in advance, settle all other accounts within the prescribed time and abide by all the rules and regulations laid down in the prospectus and other rules & instructions laid by the school authorities from time to time.

I declare that I will not ask for a change in date of birth in the future.

Station :

Date :

X Sign below
Signature of the Parent / Guardian

For Office Use only

Admission No.

Payment Details:____________________________ Date : ________________________

Admission Test for Class:______________________________________________________

Admission Granted into class:__________________ Date : _________________________



Online Admission is going on from Pre-K.G To XII Grade !!!  Apply to Sri Vishwas Matriculation School / Apply to Sri Vishwas Vidhyalaya